How to increase traffic on your site


New member
Do you have plan to grow your business in 2016? off course , everyone wants to be on top . Today i am going to tell you the secrets to double your traffic . Too many people on Internet marketing thinks that publishing a great content is enough . they though that if they are going to publish great post over internet they will surely get high backlinks and traffic.

But, its not that easy , to generate traffic through the content . its just like that you put some food on roof hoping for someone will eat it.

now i am going to tell you about the techniques that surely work for you :

1. find out heavily shared content - now you are thinking , what does this mean ? it means the topic in which people wants to know more . now the question is how to find it , you can simply check it through ahref or just writing the keyword on google , if the article or blog is rank for that keyword then the article surely get huge traffic.

2 . Now you have the topic and idea about heavily shared content . now make your blog look good, attractive and even better than previously publish content by adding more details and up to date content. make your title more attractive . using title like "top 10 backlink generation techniques" having numeric value will work fast .

3. reach to right people : now you are asking how to find that audience that right for our blog . then don't worry i will going to tell about this too.
after finishing you blog posting with great content . find out your competitor blogs and articles. you find that there are huge number of people comment and linked to that topic . just put the link of that blog on ahref or any tool and you will get a report of all links and mails pointing to that content . now reach out to that people .

good luck. If you like it then share your comments too.
Website traffic can be increased by good on page and off page techniques. Link building techniques such as guest posting, blog commenting, forum posting and social bookmarks help much to generate traffic to your website. Social media optimization also helps to generate more traffic to your website.
You have shared useful information with us. Apart from this, your blog should be SEO friendly. There are various ways to promote your blog. As a result, you can increase traffic.