How to increase page speed?

There are some steps which we should follow:-
1. Minimize HTTP Requests
2. Reduce server response time
3. Enable compression
4. Enable browser caching
5. Minify Resources
6. Optimize images
7. Optimize CSS Delivery
8. Prioritize above-the-fold content
9. Reduce the number of plugins you use on your site
10. Reduce redirects
11. The bottom line
To increase page speed faster
• Optimize Caches improve Page Load Time
• Do Away with Redirects and Improve Website Speed
• Minify JavaScript & Style Sheets to Speed Up your Website
• Apply CSS3 and HTML5 to Improve Page Load Time
• Minimize Image Size to Reduce Average Page Load Time
• Apply AJAX to Speed Up your Website
• Use Content Delivery Network to Improve Average Page Load Time