How to increase customer for e-commerce website ?


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We are the leaders in manufacturing hand tools, gardening tools, automotive tools and power tools in India. Recently our company has launched e-commerce website for selling products online. How we can gather more customer online for website ?
To increase customer in your website you must have to do seo for your website. The seo stands for search engine optimization. Which helps you to increase traffic in your website. Under seo you have to perform many tasks like image backlinking, social book marking, blog writing, image backlinking
There are many options to increase customers to your website like Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Email Marketing etc. These marketing options will help you to get users to your website. But after getting users the more important is to provide them excellent experience on your website. You can use live chat on your website to build communication with the users. live chat application does great job here. Further you should add some Lucrative offers for your users which will help to increase the number of transactions.
If you want instant traffic then use Social media channels and if you are looking for long term results then i will suggest you to have a good SEO of your website and a proper advertisement done of your site online and offline.
Instagram ! this is how anumber of E commerce sites are building customers/following. If you can find popular people, famous people, people who are influencers that are some how related to your products that will use them. Give them free samples and ask if they will promote - maybe offer them a percentage of the sales. This works well with people who have large followings on Instagram - maybe Twitter and Facebook too. It creates exposurea and credibility. Also, have lots of wonderful pictures of your products on your site - photos of them being used in different situations.