How to increase conversions

Conversion rate is the percentage of people who visit your site that buy something. The way it can be increased is trough driving more targeted traffic.
Conversion rate is the percentage of people who visit your site that buy something. The way it can be increased is trough driving more targeted traffic.

Hey arold, thanx mate for the information about conversions rate but can you tell me how can I increase the conversions rate. Recently my cousin going to lunch site like e-com and he give me this job to get more conversions.
how to increase conversions for a website?
*follow below steps to increase conversion for a website,
>remove one unnecessary web page element to improve your convertion rate,
>reduce the load time of one page,if improve the load time of single page may not send your convertions through the roof,but it's a good place to start.
>add one call to action to your thank you page,
>replace one black of text with bullet point,
>use analytics to uncover one actionable insight.