how to improve keyword ranking in google?

For the improving keyword ranking, You must have to do proper on page and off page optimization under the guidelines of search algorithms.
Best tips to improve keyword ranking in google,
1, Keyword Research is important
2, Proper title for blog posts
3, Description plays an important role
4, Content length and quality both matters
5, Image ALT tags
6, Internal linking
7, Build backlinks by commenting, Guest posting etc
8, Get more social shares to improve keywords ranking
9, Start focusing on long-tail keywords
For a ranking of your site & generating more traffic towards your website, using few promotional techniques is termed as website promotion. It is a process, which includes many techniques like Use social media platform, Do on page & off page SEO, Use long tail keywords, Focus on referral traffic, do e-mail marketing, Create shareable and interesting quality content, regularly updates your website.