how to improve bounce rate in seo

Bounce rate of a site can be reduced by improving the content's readability, avoid more pop-ups, site blog with trending topics, targeting keywords with high - value traffic and targeting the right users.
13 Ways to Improve Bounce Rate:

1. Improve Your Content’s Readability
2. Avoid Popups – Don’t Disrupt the UX
3. Create a Compelling Call-to-Action
4. Improve Your Brand Storytelling
5. Keep Your Blog Fresh With the Right Content
6. Target Keywords With High-Value Traffic
7. Attract the Right Visitors
8. Write Attractive Meta Descriptions for Search Users
9. Create Multiple Landing Pages for High-Volume Keywords
10. Speed Up Your Page Load Time
11. Set External Links to Open in New Windows
12. Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly
13. Show Credibility
1. Improve Your Content’s Readability
2. Avoid Popups – Don’t Disrupt the UX
3. Create a Compelling Call-to-Action
4. Improve Your Brand Storytelling
5. Keep Your Blog Fresh With the Right Content
6. Target Keywords With High-Value Traffic
7. Attract the Right Visitors
8. Write Attractive Meta Descriptions for Search Users
9. Create Multiple Landing Pages for High-Volume Keywords
10. Speed Up Your Page Load Time
11. Set External Links to Open in New Windows
12. Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly
13. Show Credibility
I think the SEO always have a track of their site bounce rate. Bounce rate indicate how many visitor on our site move without waiting for more than a sec. For reducing bounce rate you have place unique and interesting content on your site and try to inter link the keyword with other page so that he could manage to click the keyword for his better use.