How To Impress Your Best Friend’s Friend


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Crush on someone can head up at any time in our life especially more with some known person rather than strangers. We usually have different friends circle to follow and some to always hang out with. It is usual that atleast one couple in our friends circle must be in love with each other. The reason is crush will definitely happen on the one who we have always watched and follow in our daily life.

Regardless of girls or boys all will have this problem of impressing someone from their friend’s circle. Some might not feel difficult to impress one, but some are feeling so.

If you’re a girl want to impress your girlfriend’s boyfriend…

Most of the girls want to be attached with their friends of friends. From among them, you may found someone who looks dead gorgeous and you can also go all crazy about him. It’s all happened to a lot of girls including me. But we girls are little confused with the situation, right?

Don’t be confused, make it clear. Don’t finalize anyone before you know real him. I hope girls are intelligent to choose their man. This is very beginning step to finding the real characteristics and behaviors of the boy or man. So let us go back into our topic.

Once your feel that he is good enough to make your life fulfill, then start impress.

Girls are of two kinds. One is they’ll be too or less talkative and other is too or less shy type. So girls! Know which one is preferred by the boy who you want to impress. For instance, if he likes a girl who is more jovial, then go with that to impress him.

Be simple in nature. Don’t try too hard or overact to attract someone.
Mostly good-natured boys won’t prefer the girl who used to always hang out with friends even with girlfriends. So keep avoiding frequent outing with someone always.

Since you both are from same friends circle, it won’t be difficult to get one’s contact number. Getting mobile number is too old technique to follow, so it is better to be connected with Facebook, WhatsApp, and twitter like other social media networks. Remember that maintaining your profile neatly is more important to attract the guys of today’s world. Genuine contacts, followers can help him to know better about you.

Miss him to make him feel the same. This is the great point to check whether he too having the same crush on you or not.

If you’re a boy want to impress your boyfriend’s girlfriend…

Girls we know that simply all boys can do this with no trouble. But really boys are working too hard to impress the desired girl. Some of the circles of boys don't have girls in it. Boys from like this group may find some other circle of a group from their college, school or working areas which have girls in their gang.
Why am saying these is some boys who are always in the group which having number of girls in their group don’t see the difference or feel the crush on those girls. But boys who longing for the friendship of some girls would easily get mad about someone.
There is also a case of the boys who can have the crush on the girl existing in the same friends’ gang for a long time. Whatever it is! Boys want to impress the girl who stole his heart away from him. What to do for that? Just read the simple tips follow,
Don’t act too close with other girlfriends inside or outside of your gang. Because Girls are all having the nature of possessiveness somewhere in the corner of their heart. You can do this if you are in a final stage of testing her crush on you. If it is a starting stage of impressing a girl, don’t do that.
Show you are different from other guys in that gang. You can prove this by making your gang waiting for presence, words and so for. And make her realize the importance of you in that gang.
Show the difference in treating girls. Some guys really don’t know how to treat girls, you can make use of this one to impress her. Show respect to girls feeling and don’t use to dominate her in any occasion even when your other friends (boys) in a gang do that.
Take care of her when she is planned to move out by alone. There is no need to go along with her in order to give a support to her (If there is no possible to that or without her willingness), Just text her by asking “where you are”, “go home safely” or “text me after you reach home”. Girls will always expect these types of kindness and care from the guys.
Help her she really needs some support even it is for a mind. Girls are more sensitive and easily can get stressed by thinking about something which actually not a big issue. In such case, you can make her feel that you are there to support her in all time.
If you’re a boy wants to impress your girlfriend’s girlfriend…
This is what all boys would like to do always. Most of the (play) boys would have a very big girlfriends circle. Not only in size but also the quantity of gang. If you are in this type of gang, you must need to put extra efforts to change themselves to impress some specified girl.
Since you are already in a very big gang of girls another girl who you want to impress won’t likely to get attached with you easily. So follow different method to impress one,
Take special care on only one who you really want to close with. Spend more time with her and make her feel that you treat her different from other girls in the gang.
Do private chat with her through Facebook or WhatsApp. If she starts to the response you back, then make it confirm that she also starts to give importance to her.
Make a call to her in a free time and ask for something related to your work or studies or something else.
Stop your habit of hang out with other girls. And an important thing is you must show that you are avoiding outing with other girls only for her.
Special secret of girl’s mentality is that girls love if a guy having more cared for their family especially his mother. If you really have this tendency it’ll be easy to impress her, if not make it as a habit to follow regularly. It’s not such bad habit to follow.
If you’re a girl wants to impress your boyfriend’s boyfriend…
Girls should take care of their behavior when trying to impress her boyfriend of her boyfriend. Girls would not get the crush on all the boys they’d meet in their daily life. But it is usual to go crazy on someone who really looks stunning and make his surroundings cheerful and fun. I hope all girls would like such type of character rather than go for shy type guy.
This is the case where the gang is filled with a number of boys and girls and you are focusing on who is your friend of the boyfriend. First know about the guy’s mentality before impressing him. Guys would always like to talk about the nature and behaviors of girls – they won’t mind whether they are inside their friend’s gang or not. Expect the characters and behaviors of their mother and sister they’ll talk and share about all other things among their friends. So if you have a good image around your friends circle, then you can go with the option of impressing your boyfriend’s friend otherwise just don’t try to impress him anymore.
If you have good impression among them, you can impress the one who you are mad about.
Avoid being close with other boyfriends who takes more advantage on you.
Stop hanging out with a friend especially guys which really going to make a full stop to your impression process.
Give importance to his words and advice when you are in a situation of taking serious decisions.
Stay connected with him through all social networking profiles like Facebook, Twitter and all. Connecting through all profiles will help you to remind yourself to him in all of his internet activities.
Share some more personal matters only to him. And let him know that the matter you shared with him is more secret one which is not shared with anyone else other than him.
I hope all these impressing techniques are good enough to impress your desired friend. I’ve not giving any steps over there to impress the lover of any of your friend. It’s just only to impress the friend of the friend which can turn into love later.
If you guys want to impress lover of your friends, follow my all blogs which come later to read blogs on that topic.

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