How to give social signals to a website?


New member
I am new to social media optimization and want to learn more about social signals. I have seen many fiverr gigs that are offering social signals but i need to learn it on my own and implement it. Any tips would be appreciated :)
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You can do it by your self such as sharing your website, your content on large Facebook Group, Twitter, G+,...With this way, you need to create your own Fanpage, Group, Twitter account, G+ account then share on them whenever you have a new content.

Or you can hire someone to do this for you. Posting your content on their large Fanpage, Twitter,...with a acceptable price.

Good luck to you!
Google + Plus optimization for Social Signals:
#1 Connect with Pro Bloggers for Social signals
#2 Join Niche Communities on Google Plus
#3 Pro Tip
#4 Write Perfect Status on Google +
#5 Branding at Google Plus
#6 Use Hash tags properly
#7 Keep Engaging
#8 Categorize your Circle in Google Plus
#9 Claim Clean Page Google Plus Page URL
#10 Conduct Google+ Events
#11 Conduct Google Hangout
#12 Add all Links to your Google Plus Profile
One of the key drivers of social activities is good content. Make your web contents truly engaging by sharing awe-inspiring facts and attention-grabbing breaking news that really motivate readers to add comments, to like them, to pin the images, and to share your posts to their friends. Focus on the needs of your audience and provide something valuable that exceeds their expectations.