How to get more traffic for my site?

Few tips to drive instant traffic to your website:

1. Pinterest is my no.1 referral, bringing in around 80% of my audience. If your niche is anything lifestyle, business, DIY or similar topic related, it might be the best place for you to hang out! How I got my first 4K Pinterest followers and you can too!

2. Facebook groups. Target carefully! Join groups where your perfect audience is at. Share your advice and share your blog posts (where allowed). Build relationships and make people interested! What do do in Facebook groups as a creative online business owner + Facebook group guide

3. StumbleUpon. Although I haven’t had much luck there myself since it’s not the platform I’m very interested in, I’ve heard many success stories!

4. Reddit. Once again, I know that most of my audience isn’t hanging over there so I haven’t tried to do much within this platform but I know that it can be a successful way to get new blog readers!I hope this helps!

5. Guest posting. Link building is crucial to rank better for SEO and grow your blog in general. So find opportunities to blog for other websites relevant to your specific field.
Website traffic can be increased by various on page and off page activities. Various link building techniques such as guest posting, article submission, social bookmarks and classified ads help to generate good traffic. Social media optimization also helps to generate good traffic.
- Advertise: social media advertising and display advertising are all excellent ways of attracting visitors.
- Get Social: use social media channels to promote your content.
- Mix It Up: vary the length and format of your content to make it as appealing as possible to different kinds of readers. Intersperse shorter, news-based blog posts with long-form content as well as video, infographics and data-driven pieces for maximum impact.
- Pay Attention to On-Page SEO
- Target Long-Tail Keywords
- Start Guest Blogging
- Invite Others to Guest Blog on Your Site