How to do website designing?

You can use wordpress to design a simple website. Wordpress is one of the most powerful blogging platform today, it is an open source software written in the PHP programming language and use the database management system MySQL.
if you're new to web coding and design but you really want to build a website yourself, there are many options open to you. You can build a simple site by teaching yourself basic html and CSS coding. Just be sure that you can also make it look nice and professional! Use a pre-made website template.
Design your own website. if you're new to web coding and design but you really want to build a website yourself, there are many options open to you. Use a pre-made website template. You can purchase or find free pre-made websites very easily on the internet. Hire a website designer.
if you're new to web coding and design but you really want to build a website yourself, there are many options open to you. You can build a simple site by teaching yourself basic html and CSS coding. Just be sure that you can also make it look nice and professional! Use a pre-made website template. But WordPress is open source software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog. It just may be the easiest and most flexible blogging and website content management system (CMS) for beginners.
I personally like using some good and simple website builders. I would like to recommend that you check out the one from which is my favorite. I am sure that you will like it a lot, and you will be able to build great websites with it's help. Have a look there and good luck with it :) Hope I was helpful here
For simple blogs, WordPress would be more than enough, but if you something more difficult and complex then you will need the help of software developers. Unless you have some experience with developing websites, you won't be able to create a successful eCommerce website. Here is an article about Magento migration that you can read if you want to know more about this topic.