how to create signature in forum posting for backlink


New member
hello friends i know this is a very basic question but i could not understand how i create my site link in signature for backlink in this forum or other forum please help
It is based on forum rules you go and check the faq in forum.
The forum signature is a block of information automatically appended at the bottom of each forum post. The kind of information allowed in this block can be:
None. Some forums have this feature disabled.Plain text. Most users fill their signature with some kind of witticism or aphorism, or even small drawing made by letters. Links. Some forums use links with the "nofollow" attribute, and other forums use links without it. Usually the signature links are used to link to sites owned or favored by the post author, although only those forums without the "nofollow" attribute provide the best SEO Benefits.
Go to the user control panel of the forum and you can edit signature from there. Insert link of your website in it. But the forum do not allow the signature from the first post, it depends upon the te forum after how many posts it will allow you to post signature along with your answer.