How to Check Your Website Speed..?

Pingdom Website Speed Test
We built this Website Speed Test to help you analyze the load speed of your websites and learn how to make them faster. It lets you identify what about a web page is fast, slow, too big, what best practices you’re not following, and so on. We have tried to make it useful both to experts and novices alike.
In short, we wanted it to be an easy-to-use tool to help webmasters and web developers everywhere optimize the performance of their websites.
I suggest you some tools to check site speed such as,,,,
Hello friends,

Please tell me that How to Check Your Website Speed..?

In response to your question, one of the websites you can go to to check your website speed is
One of the reasons why I personally like and prefer this site is because of the simplicity of how it describes the status of the site. If your site has load issues, it will break it down in a simple manner that even "newbies" can really understand.