How to check penalized or banned websites ?

If we search the website from its name without www. or extension like .com and it appears in search then we can say it not penalized nor banned and if it doest not appear in search result then it may be penalized or banned.
If you want to know that is your website is penalized or not, you have to do one thing. You have to write your website domain name in the search engine box. If the result will appear as your site is shown on the search engine then, you can say it that your website is not penalized nor banned. If your website doesn't appear on the search engine that means it's banned or penalized.
If you see a drop in traffic during the dates that Google released an algorithmic change then most probably you were hit and that's the reason that your traffic dropped. Select your website from the Google analytics dashboard and then go to ACQUISITION / ALL TRAFFIC / SOURCE/MEDIUM