How To Check If My Website Looks Good On All Browsers


New member
Somebody have made a website for me and i have to test it to confirm him that every thing is ok. Now i want to check that if this website is good enough . Graphic and look and feel wise every seems good and the only concern i have is that how will my website look like on different browsers and platforms. What can i do to make sure that the website looking perfect on my browser also looks the same or good on different browsers. Please guide me if you know of any tool which can accomplish this task or any other way i can make sure it is ok with different browsers.

Major browsers i want to work it on is Chrome, Firefox and IE.
There is also a free desktop app called IE Tester that will allow you to test your sites out in multiple versions of Internet Explorer. I don't think I can post links here yet since I'm a newer member, but you should be able to find it pretty easily on Google. Other than that, I would just install the other browsers on your system for testing purposes.
Yes Browserlabs works great.
I used to have all browsers installed .and since I had access to both windows and apple operative systems I ended up testing them all directly
You have two options.

You can either get all the browsers and take the time to test each one, or you could ask individual testers to test in different browsers.
Despite less and less people using IE a huge amount still do. In one of my niches it counts for over 80% of the visitors. You must try this.
I check my website manually in all major browsers. I have been trained in creating graphics for exhibitions, and that has helped me in my website development work. Checking manually helps me more than using any tools, which of course I have never tried. :)
What you want is: Check Browser Compatibility, Cross Platform Browser Test - Browsershots

You can select major, and minor, past and present browsers. It loads your site in all of them, and then shows you a screenshot and any issues.

As much fun as manual checking is, it can be very easy to miss an old version of a browser, and can be very time consuming to check all the possible permutations. For example, do you have a Mac running Safari? How can you test that if you don't have it? So many people do though, so best to do a quickie online check, then a manual check of maybe the most popular browsers.

What is also useful is to look at your google analytics / web stats, and just see what YOUR visitors use. Do 90% use IE 6..then design your website with that in mind, and then do a big test in that browser and mini tests elsewhere. A poorly rendered website can lead to people thinking your site is unprofessional, unsafe, or broken.
Like most others on here, I used to keep a version of all browsers with any sizable user base (including Opera) on my computer and manually test. Thank the Webdesign gods for BrowserLabs/SauceLabs. Saves a ton of time and keeping multiple versions of browsers on your computer.
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