How to calculate the website weight in SEO optimization


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How to calculate the website weight in SEO optimization

On the Internet, each search engine will perform site a comprehensive quality score, the score is each search engine is not the same, for web site, if the search engines think comprehensive score is higher, the better it relative ranking will be, website SEO optimization, the call site weights.

Now that this number is called the website weight, how does the Internet search engine calculate the weight of the website?

Generally, the weight of the website is related to the scoring rules of the search engine.

And these rules are generally all sorts of algorithms, through a series of algorithms, each page of different weight value integrated computation, and then the final results, the result is site weights.

Of course, these algorithms are impossible to know by stationmaster, how to improve the weight of the website, we need to keep trying, and finally determine the effective method.

For example, now some webmaster tools can see the relevant keyword rankings, links, etc., according to these data to make constant adjustments.

The following are some of the algorithms:

1. Reverse link.

As the webmaster of SEO optimization knows, the external chain is a very important tool when promoting the website, and the number of external links of the website usually determines the ranking of a website.

2. Links of friendship

3. Links of friendship.

A link to the site‘s friendship is a great benefit to the promotion of the site’s weight ranking.

The general search engine calculates the overall number and quality of the links and gets the final result.

Of course, the better the site, the more obvious the advantages of the site.

(related reading: ways to find links to friendship)

4. Keyword ranking.

The better the site, the better its keyword ranking will be.

Through these keywords, the website can also accumulate more weight values.

5. Domain name.

The longer a domain name is, the higher the weight it will accumulate on the Internet, so the new domain name will need to be optimized through the accumulation of time, and gradually form more weight values.

6. Web snapshots.

The website can generally judge whether its weight is stable according to the update of the snapshot value, and if it is reduced by the search engine, it may appear that the weight value will decrease.

7. PR value.

The earliest time, to do site SEO optimization webmaster can view provided by the Google PR value, this is Google webmaster provide data reference, after baidu search engines also puts forward the Chinese traditional values, similar role.

So in general, what is the role of baidu weight?

The weight value can indirectly reflect the intuitive situation of a website.

The station master also USES this value as a website good or bad judgment.