How to calculate conversion Rate?

Adsense uses pageviews. It really does not matter. Just use the same thing every time. The best way is to use cookies and try to get a real number of people that come to your site. There is all kinds of things to track. None of them very acurate. You can have a CTR of pageview on your checkout page and see what your CTR is on people that get that far. That is also good to see if you are loseing people at the checkout page. You can have a CTR a single item or page. I think a CTR per page is a real good way to do it that way you know what works better. My stat program will give me number of visitors per page.

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It's very simple way. Take the number of conversions and dividing that by the number of total ad clicks that can be tracked to a conversion during the same time period. If your conversions are 50 from 1000 clicks then your conversion rate would be 5%.

CR= conversions/ clicks*100
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