How to boost the loading speed of a website ?

Minimize HTTP Requests
According to Yahoo, 80% of a Web page’s load time is spent downloading the different pieces-parts of the page: images, stylesheets, scripts, Flash, etc. An HTTP request is made for each one of these elements, so the more on-page components, the longer it takes for the page to render. And the solution is to:
- Streamline the number of elements on your page.
- Use CSS instead of images whenever possible.
- Combine multiple style sheets into one.
- Reduce scripts and put them at the bottom of the page.

Reduce server response time

Your target is a server response time of less than 200ms (milliseconds). And if you follow the tips in this article, you’re well on your way to achieving this.
Google recommends using a web application monitoring solution and checking for bottlenecks in performance.
Pro Tip: Read this report by Singlehop, Critical Ecommerce Infrastructure Needs, to learn nine things you need to focus on to keep your site performing well.
Then tap into these resources:
Yslow – to evaluate your site’s speed and get tips on how to improve performance.
Google’s PageSpeed Tools – to learn more about performance best-practice and automate the process.
Reduce the size of your site. Use video URL rather than upload it on your site
Install some plugin hepling increase site speed. I dont remember :( You can search it on innternet
It is important to know that a one second delay in the page loading time leads:
• 11% fewer page views
• 16% decrease in the customer satisfaction
• 7% loss in the conversions
Here are the powerful SEO tips to boost your website’s page loading time:
1. Optimize your database: If you have an e-commerce website, then you must be using a database. This can impact your page loading time (speed). So, here you can add an index so as to optimize your website and improve the page speed.
2. Ditch your tracking codes, share buttons and video embeds
3. Aim at balancing the page speed with traffic and rankings
4. Use an application cache as it lets you to write fully functional applications that can run offline
have you tried using to check your site's speed? After the test, it will show the results and things to be done to increase traffic. For not so expert on techs and all like me, you can start by avoiding flash codes in your site. Install smush in wp to optimize images by reducing their sizes. Instead of w3tc caching, use super cache instead since it's lighter compared to the first mentioned. Okay, so focus first on caching your site to increase page speed and go from there.
-Optimze size image
-Use image .jpg
-Use cache
-Split big image to small images
1. Limit HTTP request
2.Reduce DNS queries
3.Save temporarily for Ajax
4.Use components downloaded after loading site
5.Using components are downloaded before loading site
6.Reduce the number of DOM objects
7.Set across multiple domains
8.Minimum number of iFrame
9.Don't use the " 404 "
There are some ways to improve your web speed :
1. Minimize HTTP Requests
2. Reduce server response time
3. Enable compression
4. Enable browser caching
5. Minify Resources
6. Optimize images
7. Optimize CSS Delivery
8. Prioritize above-the-fold content
9. Reduce the number of plugins you use on your site
10. Reduce redirects
There is a tool called Page Speed Insights offered by Google company, this will gives us some useful tips to avoid bugs and increase web site speed. We can use some other paid tools also, it depends on our budget. If we reduce the amount of inline-style css and unwanted IDs and Classes in CSS and javascript and jQuery then it will bit speed up loading process.
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Well, there are so many useful response above our members are mentioned, i would like to add few more words that might help you.

Select a best server that responds quickly to our queries, better to select the local server so that it will decreases latency and increase speed of loading.

Try to avoid inline css, it increases loading time.

Optimize your images so that it decreases the size of web files drastically.