How To Avoid Duplicate Content Penalty Within Website


New member
I would really appreciate if any webmaster can guide me that what effect will it have on a SEO of a website if the same content is repeating again and again. For example a post in WordPress is appearing in corresponding category and then on other places like tags etc.

The URL in this case will be different but the content will obviously be the same in each case. I want to know what impact will it have and is there a duplicate content penalty within a website and do the duplicate content penalty exist for the content which is displaying repeatedly within a website.
I've read it somewhere that the website who copied might just be penalized by google. I haven't seen the effect of it to some sites that pasted my articles on thier pages. The good thing though is that myh site still rank high than theirs.

You might want to copy-paste few lines of newly created articles to google's search box to see if there are similar articles already published. This is to see and to avoid duplicates from other sites.
I've read it somewhere that the website who copied might just be penalized by google. I haven't seen the effect of it to some sites that pasted my articles on thier pages. The good thing though is that myh site still rank high than theirs.

You might want to copy-paste few lines of newly created articles to google's search box to see if there are similar articles already published. This is to see and to avoid duplicates from other sites.

Garfish, I think you misread the OP. S/he is referring to pages within their own blog.

OP, you can use a robots.txt file to tell Google not to read all the pages. You want them to only pay attention to the actual post so block the category pages, etc. For the record, there isn't a penalty, as such. Google isn't stupid and they know how blogs are structured. What happens is they try to index and rank only one version so your goal is to point out to them which page you want to count.
You can get a plugin for Wordpress to prevent the search engines indexing tags, archives, etc, or you can add them to your robots.txt

In reality though, Google and the other search engines just ignore duplicates.
You can also use 301 redirects to point the duplicate content to the main page that the content originally appeared on. You can also go into Google Webmaster Tools and specify to Google how you want them to handle the duplicate content so you're not loosing the link juice from it.