How SEO Helps Your Website Show Up on Google?

Ramya Ram

New member
Hi, everyone!

Exactly how websites rank on Google. It's referred to as SEO - Search Engine Optimization! That's just the fancy way of saying that if you use the right words on your website, Google can find your site more easily.

Here's how it works:
Say you have a pet site. So when a person searches for "best dog toys" in Google, your website will appear. If the word "best dog toys" has been used on your site. Google reads the text of your site and says, "Aha! This website has the information on dog toys; I should display this to him who is searching for that keyword!

I mean, it is like telling Google, "Hey! The website I built is the answer that people are looking for!"

It's sort of like this: You're selecting the words that are actually being searched on, which allows Google to return your website to more people. If you are close enough to typing useful words, your site is probably to appear on search results when people search.

Hope that made some sense! SEO makes people easily find your website by giving Google clues about what your site contains.