How much web site space do you need for the general website construction ?


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  Sometimes a lot of webmaster friends in the site construction, are puzzled exactly how to choose site space-In general, there are several aspects to consider.

  Web site space is also commonly referred to as The China shared hosting, site space is to register the content of the site to occupy the helper space, the need for domain name binding to the normal visit. Site space is divided into two pieces, page space and database space. The page space can be divided into static space, asp/asp. NET space, PHP space, JSP space, etc. according to the program you choose. able to store web site files and materials, including text, flash, download documents, Web pages, images, Access database and other files capacity. Database space is divided into Access, MySQL, MSSQL and other spaces.Access databases do not have a single space and are often used with ASP pages.

  Generally, the general website construction of the basic page HTML file and page image needs about 30M site building space. Plus merchandise photos and various introductory pages, usually built in 100M website. In addition the company needs to register the reaction information and the spare file space, and some other hard disk space left (otherwise it will lead to data loss).An enterprise display website altogether approximately needs 100m-300m‘s website space (that is, the China shared hosting space) is enough, rents the big space to be able to upload some videos and the photograph 。
