How much for an SEO service


New member
Applying SEO's can be a tricky task. Do too little and you will get nowhere, but do too much and you could get blacklisted for spam. If this was to be outsourced how much should we pay for a decent SEO service to boost SERP and PR?
How about saying the money you want to spend on SEO and use it instead to pay for quality content? As they always say, content is king and if you have the right content, the traffic will come by itself. Don't worry about the bots. They are always busy crawling all over the place. Sort of like nosy newspaper reporters. If you have something newsworthy, the reporters will come without being asked. Same for bots. If you have content worth indexing, the bots will automatically do their job.
It depends on the SEO company itself. You may find companies which offer expensive writing services but not effective. So you should think first what you want, i mean you need writing services per hour or per project or per month.
How about saying the money you want to spend on SEO and use it instead to pay for quality content? As they always say, content is king and if you have the right content, the traffic will come by itself. Don't worry about the bots. They are always busy crawling all over the place. Sort of like nosy newspaper reporters. If you have something newsworthy, the reporters will come without being asked. Same for bots. If you have content worth indexing, the bots will automatically do their job.


I wouldn't bother paying someone to tinker with your site, you have no idea if they are any good or if they are actually doing anything dodgy, just look at the amount of people who used SEO services as far back as a couple of years ago who spammed blogs and paid for sponsored posts, these sites now have to contact thousands of blogs each to ask them to undo the damage.

Just pay someone to write quality content.