How much Do You Charge?

How much do you charge as a Web Designer? Actually I am looking for a web designer. The job will be part time and online basis. You need not require to be specific part of the Globe for application. That means you can be from anywhere - the criterion is that you just need to be a good designer and you have the internet..
It can vary quite dramatically based on the scope of the work and the skill level of the web designer.

I'm not looking for any projects currently, since I've got a lot on my plate right now. But I can give you a general overview of how I price things. With a majority of my web design projects, I am creating a custom layout and user interface within Photoshop/Illustrator, then converting this into a custom Wordpress theme via a Wordpress theme framework, and custom CSS work to tie it all together. I'm also installing, configuring and integrating any additional plugins needed for any other functionality requirements related to the site such as photo galleries, calendars, shopping carts, etc...

The costs will also include whatever stock photography I need to purchase for the layout as well, as well as any additional licenses for scripts/plugins/or themes. Also, we need to determine if the client already has hosting/domain and other related fees taken care of or if these are going to be included in the total cost.

My projects are usually in the $1,500 - $2,500 range depending on the time it takes to complete the project - which is typically at least 2 weeks of work or so. If there is a lot of content to be added to the site and formatted, such as hundreds of products, or hundreds of pages of information, that one of the things that will drive up the cost further if I need to put in more hours to get all of that entered in.

I generally prefer to work off a flat rate and get the project wrapped up and done within 2-3 weeks than have projects drag on a lot longer and have to bill by the hour.

One thing to keep in mine with whomever you work with, just because someone may offer to work for less on an hourly basis, they could also wind up costing you more in the long run if they are less experienced and it takes them longer to complete the project as a whole. Also, if they are using graphics, scripts and other things that they gathered online without properly licensing them, these things can also cause problems/fines down the road.
The budget of Web Designing relies on the extra features that you would like the Web Developer to provide you.Some of these features include site registration,contact forms,content management, Ecommerce,SEO and various other elements that will raise the money.So, for a small website you can invest money as low as it could be or for a website with much enhanced features you can spend as much as the structure of your business requires.Maintaining a great website always results in lead generation and ultimately more sales.