How many visitors can shared hosting handle?

In regards to your question, one thing that would be of help is to ask your hosting provider about the concurrent connections your account has. Each hosting account is different in many ways, but especially in regards to concurrent connections. Just to clarify, your connection limit isn't the total number of visitors that can be on your site but in reality it is the number of visitors it can deliver/serve data to simultaneously.
Approximately three thousand to four thousand visitors can handle share hosting. The hosting provider can give the best answer. But higher level of visitors can slow down your website and speed. Loading of page can take lot of time.
Server can get slower because of many other sites than a dedicated server.
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If your site has alot of video or anamation it will handle less. The longer the website takes to load the less overal vistors it can handle at anytime.

I use a instant linux vps that is cheap cpanel hosting uk and use no videos on main page and thumbnail pictures if need and host picture on other pages. I like web hosting paypal becuase i use it the most. You can buy cheap kvm vps to host mutiple sites easier. Anything you do to reduce data use makes site allow more people at one time.
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