How Many type of sitemap..?

There are two types of sitemaps - HTML and XML. HTML sitemap is a plain text sitemap used by browsers to know and surf through your website pages. XML sitemap is a coded sitemap used to submit in webmaster tool to help spiders crawl them and index the webpages in search engines.
There are principally two types of sitemaps:

+HTML sitemap (written in Hypertext Markup Language)
+XML sitemap (written in Extensible Markup Language)

XML Sitemaps can have two types.

+Index Sitemap (how many URL sitemaps a website have)
+URL Sitemap (contain final information of URLs on webpage)

XML sitemaps are further divided into 3 different categories.

+ Sitemaps for webpages (commonly known as xml sitemap in community)
+ Image sitemaps (details of images and their URLs on website)
+ Video sitemaps (what webpages have videos embedded in them and their details)

So, final tree of sitemaps categorization we have is;

+XML Sitemap
+Index Sitemap
+URL Sitemap
+ Sitemaps for Webpages
+Sitemaps for Images
+Sitemaps for videos
+HTML Sitemaps
There are principally two types of sitemaps:

+HTML sitemap (written in Hypertext Markup Language)
+XML sitemap (written in Extensible Markup Language)

XML Sitemaps can have two types.

+Index Sitemap (how many URL sitemaps a website have)
+URL Sitemap (contain final information of URLs on webpage)

XML sitemaps are further divided into 3 different categories.

+ Sitemaps for webpages (commonly known as xml sitemap in community)
+ Image sitemaps (details of images and their URLs on website)
+ Video sitemaps (what webpages have videos embedded in them and their details)
9 Types of Sitemap

#1 XML Sitemap files for web pages
#2 RSS 2.0
#3 Text files with web page URLs
#4 XML Sitemap files for Video Search
#5 Media-RSS feeds for Video Search
#6 XML Sitemap files for Google Code Search
#7 XML Sitemap files for mobile web pages
#8 XML Sitemap files for geo-data
#9 XML Sitemap files for News
HTML sitemap is crated for user to know about the structure of site. If you have lots of categories and subcategories so it is very important to create html sitemap so user can find easily from sitemap.

XML sitemap is mainly used for search engine to know about how many pages you have in your site.