How Many type of Link error..?

HTTP Status codes are three-digit numbers returned by servers that indicate the status of a web element.

It is important to understand that the first digit of each three-digit status code begins with one of five numbers, 1 through 5. From the 100s through the 500s, status codes fall into the following categories:

• 100s - Informational: Request has been received and the process is continuing.
• 200s - Success: Request was received and processed successfully.
• 300s - Redirection: Request has been received, but needs to perform an additional step to complete the request.
• 400s - Client Error: Request was made by the client, but the page is not valid.
• 500s - Server Error: Valid request was made by the client, but the server failed to complete the request.

While there are many different HTTP status codes, most are not directly important to SEO.

1.301 Error - Moved Permanently
2.302 Error - Found is also known as a “temporary redirect”.
3.304 Error - Not Modified tells the client that the content has not been modified since a desired time
4.403 Error - Forbidden tells the client that the request was valid but the server refuses to respond to it.
5.404 Error - Not Found is the status code that almost everyone knows, even if they don’t know what a status code is