How Many Times Google Update Its Algo In a Month


New member
Working on some websites for some clients and have noticed that the SERPs are changing almost every week. There is website where we have almost done no changes nor any link building but even the ranking of it seems to be changing all the time so i am not sure why this is happening so quickly now. I know that there was some algorithm change from google a few months ago but are there any changes after that algo change.
There is Google Dance from 15 January, 2013 and many Webmasters notice remarkable fall down in their Keyword Rankings but Google has not done any official announcement about any update in January, 2013.
Working on some websites for some clients and have noticed that the SERPs are changing almost every week. There is website where we have almost done no changes nor any link building but even the ranking of it seems to be changing all the time so i am not sure why this is happening so quickly now. I know that there was some algorithm change from google a few months ago but are there any changes after that algo change.
None per month, but may be once a year, if you are talking about Google updating its "algo", also called Google Algorithm.

An algorithm is a set pf parameters, important features upgrades, includes the various different languages Google is present in that needs to be also upgraded along with its English version, and so on.

Those decisions are first put across in meetings, then decisions are taken up, then they are re-decided, and more important discussion takes place, then codes are changed, they are tested and retested, and so the process of an Google algorithm upgrade takes place. all these tasks cannot be done in one month, of course! As Matt Cutts tells you in this video, it is a lengthy and serious process in deed! reference video:

Matt Cutts, Google's Algorithm Changes - YouTube
There's no accurate number. It could be one time, or even 10 times. It depends on too many factors. Other than that, I noticed that my website dropped a few SERPs. Hopefully I'll regain my rank back enough soon, and at the maximum extent I hope that I will reach #1!
I think Google also throws some newer pages into the SERP mix from time to time, to see how they would perform against their existing results. You could potentially be getting some temporary first page rankings until Google sees how those pages perform in terms of click through rate.
The number of Google updates in a per month or year, no body can answer this. But yes we must know that google makes more than 100 times changes in its algo and most of the time its very minor.....