How Many Blogs?


New member
I was told that it serves me a lot of chance to create lots of blogs for the ad revenue to come rolling. I’m someone who prefers quantity over quality but it does get me thinking and it’s does make sense sometimes. I only am thinking right now on how many should I go for and how do I maintain them. Any tips?
In my opinion, if you are going to have multiple blogs on one Adsense account then it's pretty much the same with having only one blog. I think it's just a matter of preference on how much information or content you would like to share, and how much time you are willing to spend on it, considering you will have a lot more work to do with designing, SEO, promoting etc. with multiple blogs. The downside to having multiple blogs linked to one account, however, is that if you get banned by Google then they all are probably pretty much blacklisted, as opposed to having some backup available for monetizing just in case this happens. I'm not really sure, but I'm pretty sure it's like that. Maybe others can confirm? Anyway good luck!
I maintain one blogging website. I try to post a couple blogs a week. I like to write so I write whenever I have an idea on what to write about. My blog is not too hard to maintain, mainly because of how much I love to write . Also, I have been able to pick up some passive income from my blog.
Since you are going for quantity over quality I would recommend you to pick three niches, three topics that you like and you know a lot about and start posting. Make sure that you get your readers used to a schedule of maximum 3 posts per week, as if you go for a big quantity of blogs you may not be able to post every day on each of them. Take your time and research for keywords you are going to use, try to think what kind of people, visitors, traffic you want to bring and adjust your blog in those matters. I hope I was of help and good luck!
It depends... like everything.

I remember seeing something one of the "guru" types wrote - one who does a lot of blog-based stuff. He reckoned that with good keyword research about 16% of your blogs would be profitable. That's one in six. Assuming you're not doing any black hat, that means you have to maintain multiple blogs and SEO and everything for at least six blogs for 2-3 months before you know which one works.

Of course, there are ways to boost things earlier but the number still sticks: 1 in 6.

Personally, I've had a lower success rate. This could be because I don't target the topical, high-intensity buying market and tend to the information market instead. Why? I need fewer updates: the information people want is almost static (though not quite), so I can get away with buying/writing a single batch of articles to cover the main questions, then just add one a week to keep poking Google and convince the spiders that I update. Much easier. Of course, the traffic's a lot lower but then I'm much more a low-intensity worker (since I have so few hours to do anything).

Your mileage may vary, as they say, but if you're looking at a 1:6 ratio, you're going to need to start and redo a lot of blogs to build a list of successful, profitable sources. Be prepared to invest significant funds into domain names and buying articles (if you're not a prolific writer).

Note: start small and add as you go along... I didn't and ended up with over 60 sites running at the same time and needing active updating. That's just stressful, believe me.
TIEro, that sounds like a lot of work! I do like the idea of focusing on the information crowd. Definitely less updating required. How long have you been running those blogs and have they been profitable?
Many Blogs

In my opinion, it is better to have some quality blogs rather than to have quantity blogs. Because if you have less blogs then you can manage them easily and also post quality content there that will help you to get frequent visitors on your blog.
TIEro, that sounds like a lot of work! I do like the idea of focusing on the information crowd. Definitely less updating required. How long have you been running those blogs and have they been profitable?

About a year and no, they're not. That's mostly because of three things:

(a) I didn't know what I was doing with keyword research. (I'm better at that now)
(b) I didn't know what I was doing with niche sites. (I learned a lot)
(c) It turns out I suck at niche sites, anyway!

(Edit: a fourth thing is that I did it during 2012, when Panda, Penguin and EMD hit and screwed up the basic formula completely, which didn't help but isn't really to blame.)

That's why I suggested starting slow: I didn't and basically just threw away a ton of money because I was learning as I went along. Take the time to learn beforehand and focus on a couple to find your feet and find what works for you.

Oh, one extra tip: just about all the stupid "How to" courses, schemes and ebooks talk complete crap. They don't even lay down some of the fundamentals - like the difference between the buying and educational markets, the different types of niche approach (too long to explain here: read this for a quick summary) or anything else. They're mostly created by complete retards who earn money selling their ebooks to noobs rather than actually having a clue what they're talking about. (No, I didn't buy any but I did get freebies.)

Do your own research, draw your own conclusions. You'll do a lot better.

Oh, and feel free to ask if I might know something... but y'know, don't take it as scripture or anything because of (c) above!
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Having tons of blogs is probably not a good thing, but having 5 or 6 can be advantageous, especially if you want to target numerous niches. Numerous blogs on the same niche might be redundant and will most likely not increase your revenue, unless the other blogs are just being used to increase the rank and profile of your main blog. Everyone likes doing it differently, so just experiment to see what works best for you.
It's an easy way to get penalized if your blog just links to your main blog. Google has caught on to that a few months or years ago, and made it ineffective, and very simple to catch. I would just worry about your main blog where you write content on it on a consistent basis. You may have another blog, but I would update it frequently if I were you. You can advertise your other blogs, just don't paste it everywhere, and don't make it look like spam.
I was told that it serves me a lot of chance to create lots of blogs for the ad revenue to come rolling. I’m someone who prefers quantity over quality but it does get me thinking and it’s does make sense sometimes. I only am thinking right now on how many should I go for and how do I maintain them. Any tips?

So your idea is to create multiple niche site or call as MFA sites good idea but you need to add quality content on these blogs because search ranking become really important in niche site business.
As I would see it, it is ideal to have some quality web journals as opposed to have amount sites. Since on the off chance that you have less online journals then you can oversee them effortlessly furthermore post quality substance there that will help you to get successive guests on your web journal.