How many backlinks should I Make in a day for my new website?

You can create minimum 50 backlinks to get ranking.

If you are still following this technique to rank your website in Google SERP, then your website can get penalized by Google. As now SEO is all about quality of links and not quantity of links. Building a single backlink from the quality of the website is much more relevant compared to the backlinks from non relevant sites.

So if you are suggesting 50 links a day, than it would mean quantity of links and not quality of links. And this in return can impact your website very badly. As you are doing SEO for a new website, than your first preference should be building quality links as initially your website will be in Sandbox and depending on the quality of links, Google will start showing in the SERP's.
Focus on the quality of links instead of quantity of the links. In back-linking quality always beats quantity.Google wants quality rather than quantity when ranking your website.A proper back linking program should take time, and that’s a positive rather than a negative. Google (and other search engines) wants to see your site grow naturally over a regular period of time.