How I stay in shape & keep the weight off


New member
Below is my regime in a nutshell. I find it easy to follow & it keeps me at a healthy & good looking weight. I dont see it as a diet, it’s more of a lifestyle, which is important as diets never last.
Drink plenty of water
Have purechimp super tea once a day
Eat healthily in the week & enjoy treats at the weekend
Pick brown over white for grains
Exercise at least 3 times a week
We all know how to eat healthily it’s just finding a way that works for you. I have found the regime above takes minimal effort.
I want to say that pure chimp products are really helpful in many aspects.
I like them too.
Thanks for your useful tips!
Below is my regime in a nutshell. I find it easy to follow & it keeps me at a healthy & good looking weight. I dont see it as a diet, it’s more of a lifestyle, which is important as diets never last.
Drink plenty of water
Have purechimp super tea once a day
Eat healthily in the week & enjoy treats at the weekend
Pick brown over white for grains
Exercise at least 3 times a week
We all know how to eat healthily it’s just finding a way that works for you. I have found the regime above takes minimal effort.

Thanks for sharing some tips . I'll try to follow your tips :)
There are lots of things which you can do to stay in shape and keep your weight in control. However, the two best ways to keep your weight in control is to exercise regularly and to eat healthy foods only. If you haven't done any exercises or are planning to start, make sure that you are taking help of professionals to get the best results in short period of time, without hurting yourself. Also, avoid junk food as much as you can, it will help you to keep the weight in control.
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