How i rank high competition keywords?


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Hello Friends,
How i rank high competition keywords on search engine within 1 month?
Is it possible to rank such keywords.
Do you have better ideas in your mind, please tell me?
With a view to improve the rank of high competition keyword:
* A list of targeted keywords
* Prepare a detailed link building plan
* Build links gradually and steadily
* Get backlinks with different, unique anchor texts & different keywords
* Check effect of Google Penguin 3.0
* Surround your links with content
* Get backlinks from pages
* 20% of links should point to the inner pages of your website
* You won’t rank high without on-page optimization
* Finally, track the results
10 steps to improved the rank of competition keyword:
Step 1: Lay the Groundwork
* A strong website
* A network to draw on
Don’t rush this stuff in your race for Internet gold.
Step 2: Do Your Initial Keyword Research
* Choosing a keyword with good volume, but not too much volume
* Choosing a keyword that’s relevant to your business model
Step 3: Check Out the Competition
* The domains and URLs
* The titles
* The type of content that’s ranking
* The types of businesses that are ranking
* How authoritative those sites are
You’re looking for ways that you can differentiate yourself.
Step 4: Consider Intent
Step 5: Conceptualize the Content
* An article
* A blog post
* A product page
* An index or directory of links (to other pages on your site or around the web)
* An authoritative guide
* An infographic
* A video
Step 6: Execute
Search Engines are looking for high-quality content
Step 7: Optimize for Your Keyword
Optimize your content while you’re creating it
Step 8: Publish
Step 9: Promote
* Share your content through your business’s social accounts
* Use social buttons or widgets on your site to promote independent sharing
* Build links to your content
Step 10: Analyze
Is truly optimized
Is truly high-quality
Is truly visible
Understanding the search phrases that really work and generate outcomes has been a primary aspect of why SEO is a power to consider with. But without it doesn’t really indicate the death of SEO as an advertising and marketing exercise.
So your goal is:

to rank on high competitive short-term keywords in a stable position and over a longer periode, right?

There are 3 possibilities (which you won`t like):

1. your client has a fortune to spend for SEO and SEA

2. you can use black hat techniques

3. your client has patience (a lot of)

The last one is the most realistic and MAYBE (there is no guarantee!) the most effective way. You have to do a lot of on-page and off-page work to establish the authority of a new domain for a few of keywords. You have to prove that your site has the relevance to be an authority for e.g. "heart attack" - this process takes some time.

We needed several years to make clear that our website is the authority for the keyword "guitar" (the german word for it) within Google Germany - the result is a stable and constant high position for years as well (no.1)... but the list to (maybe) be successful with that is long...

I would always recommend to optimize a long-term keyword which is not so competitive. If you are successful to establish to be an authority for such keywords will help you for your next step: to become an authority fpr high competitive keywords ... try to make your customer clear that you can bring them on top very fast but that they will also fall down much more faster then!

It`s just like buidling up a good reputation or to establish a good credit history - but I believe you already know that!
High competitive keywords can't be ranked easily. These keywords posses huge competition in the market in amid the competitors. One needs to find out an alley to rank his/her website in the high competitive keywords even though there is a battle going on for the first position. Content marketing, video marketing and social media marketing are the prime regions where a high impact can be seen whereas SEO and SEM is always there to help you to boost the rank of a website but it takes time to rank high. Your presentation of your business features matters a lot in raising the rank of your website in search engines. The power of content can support you a lot in this case. Don't step back. Go ahead.