How i can place my websites in the seacrch engine on top fastly

Try do both ON and OFF page SEO techniques, it helps to increase your websites ranking higher in the search engine. Make your sites content very unique, quality content, try to avoid silly mistakes because it reduce your crawling of your websites by search engine.
First of all Use only unique content ,on page optimizations check seositecheckup through good or not depend by this site on page analysis and off page submission high page ranks and quality backlinks.

Register your website through Google Webmasters Tools
Generate, upload and submit your XML Sitemap
Create a Unique & Accurate Title Tag for your Store
Enhancing searchability through the “About Us” field in the footer section
Promoting your Store through Social Media Networks & Blogs back-linking
Your Product Names and Descriptions
and You should remember "Google doesn’t want to make websites popular, they want to rank popular websites".
If you understand this, I think you will do very well for the most part
The first step is to determine whether or not your site is indexed in Google or any other search engines. Go to and type (Replace “” with your actual domain name, (example:, and check to see whether the site is indexed or not.

If there are no results, it’s time to follow the steps below and get your site into Google. Here is a screenshot for my query:

index website in Google search
You need to implement ON-PAGE and OFF-PAGE SEO techniques to increase your page rank on search engines, in which the most important element is that you must creat quality and unique content as well as work hard for link building.
Do proper SEO and SMO. Regular update your blog. See how competitors are taking lead and what you can do to take the benefit out of it. Getting ranked up (using white hat seo techniques will take a little bit of your time but it's going to get stable)

The most important thing when you see the results don't think your work is done here because market is full of sharks they are just waiting to get the right chance.
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