How does Google Plus helps in Seo?

Google plus is a social networking website from Google. It helps to create a business page and promote your business in social networking platforms to generate more and more traffic to your website. This helps to build your website popularity in social networking websites.
Google+ is quickly becoming an essential part of any business’s social media strategy.
Google+ also plays a major role in search engine optimization (SEO) by making it easier for marketers to show up in search results—yet another reason to include Google+ in your social media strategy.
Here are five simple ways to give your business an almost immediate boost using Google+.
#1: Include Keywords and Relevant Links on Your About Page
#2: Connect With Your Whole Audience Using Google+ Events
#3: Post Often and Optimize for Best Search Results
#4: Set Up Google Authorship for SEO Benefits
#5: Find Relevant Users and Conversations to Engage With Audiences.