How do you usually relax after hard working day?

Didn't expect to find so many replies related to cbd and marijuana here :) I used to be a stoner rather long time, but decided to quit both:smoking and weed. Now I enjoy vaping and medical sorts of weed only, I always use my odorless dry herb vaporizer Airistech Nokiva for this.
Well, I have quite a few ways to relax after a hard day at work. Meeting with friends, computer games, meditations, sports. In general, I always try something different. If all else fails, then I take CBD gummies which always work great. This is something like a last resort when I can't relax and rest at all.
I prefer to wrap myself up in a warm blanket, cook delicious cocoa and watch my favorite movies after a hard day at 123movies site for free. it helps me to relax and forget about my problems at work. I think this is the best way to relax and unwind during the quarantine period. I advise you to try to distract yourself in this way too