How do you encourage visitors to leave comments on your blog?


New member
I am thinking of installing both the DO FOLLOW and the KEYWORDLUV plugin on my WordPress blog so as to encourage visitors to leave a comment and reward them with a bit of useful, targeted, "Link Love" when they do. Will setting my Blog to DO FOLLOW seriously affect my ranking? What other techniques do people use to try to encourage visitors to leave comments?

Although this is my personal observation but my expierience that no follow or do follow does not matter unless it is link selling. If some body is caught selling links the Google penalty do comes but just allowing do follow on your blog will not have any impact. The only impact and a positive one will be that more people may like to engage with your website to get this love and for the purpose of their SEO and marketing.
To encouage users to leave more comments on my blog, I always reply to their comments when they are left. I do that in hopes that it makes me appear more friendly, and makes users more willing to comment because they know that their comment will not be ignored and will be appreciated. Also, if I notice that they have a blog I will interact on theirs and help them out as a fellow blog owner. Allowing them to link to their page in comments is also great for getting fellow blog owners and webmasters to interact on your blog, because it's free exposure for them.
I am thinking of installing both the DO FOLLOW and the KEYWORDLUV plugin on my WordPress blog so as to encourage visitors to leave a comment and reward them with a bit of useful, targeted, "Link Love" when they do. Will setting my Blog to DO FOLLOW seriously affect my ranking? What other techniques do people use to try to encourage visitors to leave comments?


Yes, those options will work. But making the content more interactive and interesting will induce the readers to comment on your webpages. That could also make your site more popular. Every reader doesn't know about the SEO techniques, but almost all reader will like good interactive content.
The only way I encourage people to leave comments on my blog is by asking questions and making thought provoking points. People are curious beings and if you give them something to think about, most of the time they will want to respond to it.
The only way I encourage people to leave comments on my blog is by asking questions and making thought provoking points. People are curious beings and if you give them something to think about, most of the time they will want to respond to it.

Yes I think adding questions is a great way to get comments! People like to share their opinions and giving them the opportunity at the end of the post will help encourage them to do so.

When I write a post (of course my situation will be a bit different since mine is about parenting so it's easier to get conversation) I write the post first. This can be a funny story that happened to us, a useful recipe or just a useful tip. Then at the end I ask "What would you do..." or "Has this happened to you..." or something to go along with it. And I find that it makes them think of something they can relate to and then give their opinion or story.
I switched my blog from do-follow and no-follow late last year and have noticed NO change in the amount of comments. I use the CommentLuv plugin and a top commentator plugin to give them some exposure, plus I always reply to comments and I also try and end on a call to action.
Yes making the links in the comments to be dofollow can somehow lure human spammers to posts but then the more effective ways must be to create a controversial posts in your site and really this will not only make people leave comments but also share your page to facebook and some other forums.
I often put a closing line at the end of an article whenever I can, stating and reminding my viewers that I would love to hear their thoughts on the article. I think it's a great way to encourage my readers because whenever I read an article with a closing statement that asks for my opinion, I feel reminded that the author does in fact check out those comments as opposed to if they never said anything about it at all. I also try to comment on a lot of other blogs and become more social so they would know that I am interested in exchanging opinions. I feel that most other bloggers are will happily return favors when you join in conversations on their blogs.
You can simply install Disqus comment system plugin. It allows users to come to your site and sign in using their social media profiles to comment on your posts. Guest commenting is also allowed. To make the conversation more engaging, people can attach images, upload videos, mention other readers, and even add spoiler tags. Voting options are included as well. It is worth to try.