How can we save our client’s websites from penalization or to be banned?

hmm, It's required many guidelines to follow, Difficult to explain each and everything from 1 single reply as it's also required experience as well for implementing the things correctly!!!

Few things to follow before you start with onpage updates:
1) 100% original content/unique content (copy content site can banned within a days or within a month)
2) Never linked your site with spam/banned sites
3) Never use Hidden anchor links (against all webmaster guidance)
4) Always use Easy navigations and internal linking
5) Never target irrelavant keywords or more importantly use spam keywords to generate traffic
6) Avoid reciprocal links exchange from directory site
7) Avoid buying links as well
and many more...

While doing Off Page submissions we required to follow:
1) Avoid over optimization/Bulk Submission (focus on quality backlinks not quantity)
2) Never try software generated backlinks (Your site can be ban within a day)
3) Follow blog/forum/article/social sites guidance, otherwise your account will get penalised and all backlinks count as spam.

and many other guidelines to follow so keep doing quality work and keep on checking your webmaster accounts, as most of the time you receive a message or warning before penalized!!!
Also keep Following sites/news/article about latest updates it help us in tracking what to follow and what not to follow!!!