How can i sell my promoted website?

Hi ewebdiscussioners,

I need help regarding my website. I am a digital marketing expert having 5 Years of relevant experience, i have a question from professionals on this forum site. I want to sell my animated video production website to someone who can give me a good amount. I am generating 1500 unique visitors in a month having 8 keywords is on top 3 positions on Google. I have done white hat seo on this website. Please tell how can i sell this website.
try to increase it to 1500 unique visitors a day instead of 1500 visitors a month. I have a website with 5000 visitors a month and it generates $20-$30 only a month. People buy even domain name on flippa, you may find someone who is interested in your website. But don't expect a big sale if you don't work out your website to perform better.
People are not too concerned about the traffic. What matters is how much money you make from this. The typical going rate is 12x-14x (that is 12 to 14 months of revenue). But I again even this may not be possible if your website hasn't been around for too long. Unless you are not spending time and money on this, I would suggest you continue to grow this passively and wait for a good time to sell your website. Flippa and DigitalPoint are good places to put for sale.