How can i reduce my website loading speed?

10 things you can do to speed up your site
1. Minimize HTTP Requests. ...
2. Reduce server response time. ...
3. Enable compression. ...
4. Enable browser caching. ...
5. Minify Resources. ...
6. Optimize images. ...
7. Optimize CSS Delivery. ...
8. Prioritize above-the-fold content.
9. Reduce the number of plugins you use on your site
10. Reduce redirects
Here are some ways to reduce website loading speed :

1) Optimize Images
2) Browser Caching
3) Compression can dramatically reduce your page’s size and thereby increase its speed. According to varvy, compression can knock off 50 - 70% from your HTML and CSS files! That’s a ton of data your visitor won’t have to download.
4) Optimize Your CSS
5) Keep Your Scripts Below the Fold
Here are some ways to reduce website loading speed :

1) Optimize Images
2) Browser Caching
3) Compression can dramatically reduce your page’s size and thereby increase its speed. According to varvy, compression can knock off 50 - 70% from your HTML and CSS files! That’s a ton of data your visitor won’t have to download.
4) Optimize Your CSS
5) Keep Your Scripts Below the Fold

I am agree with you , nice answer
Hey their, I am completely agree with you. May Developers sometimes makes mistakes with this stuff. Its should be very important that our sites should take minimum load bcz only than users will like and search rank will increases in terms of SEO.
10 things you can do to speed up your site
1. Minimize HTTP Requests. ...
2. Reduce server response time. ...
3. Enable compression. ...
4. Enable browser caching. ...
5. Minify Resources. ...
6. Optimize images. ...
7. Optimize CSS Delivery. ...
8. Prioritize above-the-fold content.
9. Reduce the number of plugins you use on your site
10. Reduce redirects

I will agree with you.Useful Info
10 Ways to Speed Up Your Website:

1. Minimize HTTP Requests
2. Reduce server response time
3. Enable compression
4. Enable browser caching
5. Minify Resources
6. Optimize images
7. Optimize CSS Delivery
8. Prioritize above-the-fold content
9. Reduce the number of plugins you use on your site
10. Reduce redirects

Hello Everyone,

Before you start optimizing your website to load faster, there are two things you should consider:

1. Remove Unnecessary Plugins and Add-ons
2. Significantly Limit, or Remove, Social Sharing Buttons on Your Website
3. Load Analytics and Ad Networks Code Asynchronously
4. Enable Expires Headers
5. Enable Caching
6. Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
7. Get a Better Web Host
8. Your Website Theme
9. Install Google PageSpeed on Your Server
10. Optimize and Reduce Image Size
11. Enable Gzip Compression
12. Regularly Optimize Your Database
13. Minify Javascript and CSS Files
14. Combine Your Background Images into Image Sprites
15. Enable HTTP Keep-Alive
16. Fix All Broken Links on Your Website
17. Avoid Image Hotlinking
18. Limit the Number of External Requests
19. Use a Reliable CMS
20. Use a PHP Accelerator
21. Prevent Others from Hotlinking Your Images