How can i reach 1st page in google..?

It depends on what your website's goal is- e-commerce, news, entertainment/content, etc. It's often a plethora of things coming together from unique quality content, SEO/SEM, UX design, what your bounce rate is and a few other things. It's really a science and not just a checklist you can follow.
For coming into google 1st position you have to follow white hat technique with some advance way.
Your website title should be unique and quality content. must be coming to your targeted keyword over there.
The Same way your description should be followed.
Always share quality content on your website and must be it unique and engaging.
Get some quality backlinks from another website. instead of quantity of backlink.
There are many SEO techniques that are always very important, we need to know about SEO onpage and offpage. With each part, example Onpage, there're many factors such as title, description, meta tags, keywords density, sitemap, robot.txt, ...we need to learn and practice all.
With SEO Offpage we also have many factors such as domain keywords, link building, social signals, CF, DF,...

I hope this helps.
Utilize keywords. Utilize Google Analytics to locate the best keywords for your business (this procedure is portrayed in the "Utilizing Google" segment underneath). At that point, utilize those keywords in your content. Try not to over-burden the content with the keyword; Google will notice and dock you.

LED Flashlight
Over 80% of the Internet's users go to a search engine before reaching a web site.When someone types your product or service's key words into a search engine if the site lists in the first page then chances are there that the user might visit the website.In short SEO is the best way to promote site and gain your desired web presence.The factors that Google considers are keywords in URL, Title, Text, Domain age,Number of visitors etc.It keeps updating the factors for page ranking. The companies that provide SEO also should update accordingly.If we get services from such a concerned company then we can definitely make SEO to be effective.I have used the SEV(Search Engine Visibility) from as they provide keyword and suggested topics,submit the site to over 100 search engines and also provide reports which eventually improved my website traffic.