How can I get more targeted visitors for my website?

Angel Jennifer

New member
I have a website. I want to increase my website visitors. I'm working some social media but I need more targeted people. How can I do it. Please help me.:love_heart:

Angel Jennifer
Create the best content you can with the best products you can possibly offer. Your content is your best advertisement - if visitors love your content, then they will go back and spread the word to others. Or buy traffic from freelancers on sites like SEoclerks, listingdock etc.
Use Advertise on Facebook are the best way to target your audience. Be cause on Facebook have many member than other social media. How can do it? You can hire someone target for you or learn about ads and do it for yourself.
Distribute an E-book that relative to your product all over the Internet with your links in it. These can be made quite easily with software you can get by searching on Google or by checking at the bottom of this article for a link. These can also be put on social sites and webzines for them. Again, wherever you put them causes a link back to your site.
1.Build Fanpage related topic of your website,
2.Set ads facebook, post content frequent to increase fan
3.Post link web on fanpage to push targer visitor to your site