high performance servers


New member
Hello everyone!
What server hosting companies can you suggest me to look at?
I need reliable option with high performance and good support.
Do you know anything about the quality of pmgchosting.com services? Are their servers stable? Any experiences?
My experience with PMGCHosting.com is outstanding. They provide dedicated servers with skilled server management services specifically designed for those who wish to host in a discrete hosting environment at reasonable pricing.
Have you looked for reviews on them? According to my experience pmgchosting.com server solutions are really great. You will be pleased with their rock-solid server solutions, stable networking and 24/7 available skilled techies.
High-performance computing (HPC) is the use of parallel processing for running advanced application programs efficiently, reliably and quickly. The term applies especially to systems that function above a teraflop or 1012 floating-point operations per second.
I have done research and can say pmgchosting.com is really reliable host. You will get stable and reliable servers which are well-balanced and support is helpful around the clock.
You can also rely on Superbithost.com - their work is based on quality, servers are fast and stable.
It has done a great job at evaluating the competition and narrowing it down to a handful of highly qualified services.

Server locations: China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Bahamas, Iceland, Luxembourg, Russia, Switzerland, Singapore, Bulgaria, Mexico, Egypt, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, etc.