Hi Guys!


New member
Hi all! I'm a webmaster, Internet marketer and love to use affiliate marketing!

Looking forward to the community :)
Hi Malania! Welcome to the community.
What Affiliate Marketing Networks you use?
What are the Affiliate products that you promote?

I was working with CLickbank selling game guides earlier. Then joined CJ to promote one of the Indian ecommerce site - Jabong.com (owned by Rocket Internet GMBH) and now I've been working with OMG India (pure indian performance marketing company)

CB was great when I used. Sold game guides when I thought there isn't a market for that! But yeah, learned a lot about SEO, PPC and AM through that.
Now that I'm with OMG India, I prefer selling consumer electronics!

Looking into more intl. affiliate networks too as we speak :)