Help me choose host resources for my website !


New member
I set my wepsite at, use resource lever 1. It has 512MB RAM, I/O 1024KB/s. Now they alert me resource was limited. My site cannot logon.
They recommend me upgraed resource to level 2 or level 3.
Level 2 has 1024MB RAM, I/O 1024MB/s; level 3 has 2048MB RAM, I/O is 2048MB/s.
Can you tell me what level to choose ?
I'm building niche site.
Thank you for reading !
What kind of website do you have? May be your website is using a lot of resources this is why Godaddy has sent you a notification.

You should go for Level 2 then if not then contact Godaddy Support Team.

I dont understand "what kind" ? I have just built this site. It's niche site about household. There are only 3 post and several images.
I use wordpress, themes Genesis. I will contact support for mor information.