Have Any of Your Sites Ever Received a Penalty?


New member
I had a few which succumbed to the Penguin penalty and just let the domains expire. I really didn't think it would be worth it to try and save them because I know a lot of guys who spent a lot of time and money trying to resurrect their sites in the search engines to no avail. How about you?
I dont care about these issues for my own website. So I dont bother much.

but yes, one of my clients has suffered due to - Adsense Banning her account when she was just 5 USD shy from their payout check. And then, last year, it was Penguin and Panda updates which went bad for her. Now, she has redone almost everything and now is waiting for the things to start rolling again. A change of backend CMS can help as the URLs change too.
A lot of my sites were hit with a penalty for unnatural outbound links because I did not pay as closer attention to the links being inserted into guest links as I thought I was. I had been accepting two or three guest posts a week on these blogs since 2008 so as you can imagine there were a lot of links to go through. In the end I have deleted around 200+ links from each site and have only left links to Wikipedia, social media profiles, and URLs that are actually related to my niches.

I also installed a plugin that turns all my links to Nofollow.

So far one of my sites has had its penalty removed.
A lot of my sites were hit with a penalty for unnatural outbound links because I did not pay as closer attention to the links being inserted into guest links as I thought I was. I had been accepting two or three guest posts a week on these blogs since 2008 so as you can imagine there were a lot of links to go through. In the end I have deleted around 200+ links from each site and have only left links to Wikipedia, social media profiles, and URLs that are actually related to my niches.

I also installed a plugin that turns all my links to Nofollow.

So far one of my sites has had its penalty removed.

Wow, that's a lot of work,not to mention the time that you'd have to invest in waiting around to see if Google will even reconsider the penalty or not. I much rather starting over and rebuilding the sites.Of course, I don't have huge sites, maybe 30 posts average, but I'd much rather do something than wait around for Google to do something.