Grey Hat SEO

Grey Hat SEO is the practice of using technically legal methods to improve your site rankings, but which are ethically dubious, and could one day become black hat. Think of it like legal highs.
These is also one of the SEO techniques this method disagreeable by the search engine,these is an combination of both white hat and black hat technique but basically use the white hat technique properties
Grey hat SEO means excessive use of legally accepted methods of SEO, to improve your website ranking and traffic to an extent where it becomes black hat SEO and thus unacceptable by the search engine hence making it more inclined to the black hat SEO. Some of the techniques of grey hat SEO that one must avoid are:
Purchasing link
Buying old domains
Purchasing followers
Duplicate content,etc.
Grey is a seo method/ technique which is a combination of white hat and black hat seo techniques to your site. one good example of this is you start with posting good/unique contents and add some blackhat technique such as cloaking keywords and site optimization to rank up in the search engine
There is no such thing as greu hat techniques. Matt cutts explains it clear enough that googles webmaster guidelines are clear about what are and are not acceptable practises for your website. If you are purposely trying to manipulate the search engine for higher ranking in example : Cloaking
Purchasing link
Buying old domains
Purchasing followers
Duplicate content, Cloaking, doorway pages. those are all black hat techniques. Ive seen them all get penalised as black hat techniques