Graphic designer & web designer

Graphic design includes logos and print design. Graphic Design includes anything in the world that you see that has been created and printed (or displayed as part of a layout). This can be ads, magazines, newspaper layouts, newspaper ads, billboards, logos, brochures, books, decals you find on toys, CD labels & booklets, movie posters, and so much more. It encompasses all things in the print world. And it's not just the layout that is created by graphic designers. We also create, well, "graphics," such as those photos you see in magazines - a graphic designer had most likely altered it after the photographer made the shot. Web design overlaps graphic design in the graphics and overall appearance (layout) and flow of the site/pages, but web design also includes all the technical aspects of creating a website, such as the coding past basic layout.
Graphic Design really focus on how to design graphically pleasing layouts. You will learn about color theory, typefaces, the relationship between design elements when placed on a page and just usually how to make things, either printed or displayed in another way, view appealing.

Web Design would need many of the skills of a good graphic designer but also, you'd need to learn how to write web pages. You'd probably start by learning HTML which is the scripting language web pages are made up of. You'd move on to current and updated languages like XML and cascading style sheets.
Graphic design includes logos and print design. Graphic Design includes anything in the world that you see that has been created and printed (or displayed as part of a layout). This can be ads, magazines, newspaper layouts, newspaper ads, billboards, logos, brochures, books, decals you find on toys, CD labels & booklets, movie posters, and so much more. It encompasses all things in the print world. And it's not just the layout that is created by graphic designers. We also create, well, "graphics," such as those photos you see in magazines - a graphic designer had most likely altered it after the photographer made the shot. Web design overlaps graphic design in the graphics and overall appearance (layout) and flow of the site/pages, but web design also includes all the technical aspects of creating a website, such as the coding past basic layout.
Graphic designer design logo of your website while website designer design whole website.

Graphic designers …

Put the art first

Have a one-way relationship with their audience

More artistic (i.e., sketch with a pen and paper)

Emphasize visual theory in their designs

Must focus on how a design communicates a message to its audience

Need to know how each element of a design translates to print

Have one shot to get a design right once it's printed

Web designers …

See the art as a way to leverage technology

Have a mutual interaction with their audience

More technical (i.e., coding and programming)

Employ an engineering approach to their designs

Must predict how a design will make its audience feel and react

Need to know how to design for versatile mediums (i.e, laptop, tablet, smartphone)

Can develop and enhance their work over time
Graphic designer is a designer of graphics. A Graphic Designer is one creative person who can visualize and design graphics based on requirements, you can also say its a commercial artist.

Website Designer is a creative who knows the best of user experience and interface design for websites, how to create a responsive designs, reactive designs and user expected behavior.
Graphic designer design logo of your website while website designer design whole website.

Graphic designers …

Put the art first

Have a one-way relationship with their audience

More artistic (i.e., sketch with a pen and paper)

Emphasize visual theory in their designs

Must focus on how a design communicates a message to its audience

Need to know how each element of a design translates to print

Have one shot to get a design right once it's printed

Web designers …

See the art as a way to leverage technology

Have a mutual interaction with their audience

More technical (i.e., coding and programming)

Employ an engineering approach to their designs

Must predict how a design will make its audience feel and react

Need to know how to design for versatile mediums (i.e, laptop, tablet, smartphone)

Can develop and enhance their work over time

This is what you need!!
It must also be easy to use and compelling enough to engage and to keep people’s attention. It must be easy for most people to read, even if they have a visual impairment or are accessing the site over a slow Internet connection or on a handheld device.