
Google+ has been the center of some of the most recent debates and studies in the SEO world. Many experts say that the number of +1s directly influence your rankings. Some say that sharing your posts on Google+ helps boost your rankings because it basically functions as a backlink. Aside from Google+, another thing that experts recommend to webmasters is to focus on Google Authorship.
Google Plus is largely a flop. It's user base only exists because Google forces all of it's Gmail users to have a Google Plus account. There is very little real conversation going on on there, it's all businesses and site owners trying to gain traffic to their sites.
How does google+ compare against facebook in terms of google rankings? Having a facebook page will also help to push you up the ladder, but if you could only choose 1 page for your business would it be FB or google+ to boost your google rankings?
You would think so because it is owned by Google, but they change their rules so many times to keep us all guessing that I'm can never be 100% about anything when it comes to Google. :confused:
Google+ can be a powerful component of your digital marketing strategy. Google uses different signals to determine the quality of each page of website, and on the basis of that give it the ranking in search results.
Google + has a strong effect on Google search not only because it is a product by Google but due to the construct and the power of it. Google+ entered into the social media race not just to complete with other social networking sites like Twitter Facebook but to improve search engine results.
In theory you'd assume G+ being a product of Google would rank better for SEO. But now I feel like this is irrelevant. The future of G+ is very unclear and I'd recommend not focusing on it.
Start doing Author markup through Google plus and
sooner or later you will see the positive impact on
your website.

2 big social media sites (twitter and facebook) do
not allow Google bots to index their inner pages but
since Google + is Google's own property hence this
will be quite beneficial.
Google+ is best source for SMO and SEO. More people are active there and give response. That is a better platform. Google+ is mostly not used for flirting and all.
Google+ (pronounced and sometimes written as Google Plus) is an interest-based social network that is owned and operated by Google.

The service, Google's fourth foray into social networking, experienced strong growth in its initial years, although usage statistics have varied, depending on how the service is defined. Three Google executives have overseen the service, which has undergone substantial changes leading to a redesign in November 2015.
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Keeping up-to-date on the latest opportunities and trends, especially with social media, is imperative to your business' success.
Google+ is just like your own mini personal blogging platform. This means you can fully edit any of your posts at any time. Not so with Facebook or Twitter. Facebook gives you only limited editing abilities. Twitter, after you tweet, only lets you delete.