Google Whacking: One Term, One Result.


New member
Is it worth adding this to your website? A Google Whack is basically a search term that yields only one result. These days once a Google Whack gains popularity, it no longer becomes a Google Whack because other people post that phrase online in their content ...making it index-able, and removing your only result.

As a keyword strategy, do you think this is a valuable extra to add besides your default run of the mill keywords?

I think it is something that is pretty fun and unique, to find me google..."random term" and I'm the only result, but at the same time, maintaining the "only term" could be fairly difficult!
I have never heard of the term Googlewhack.

A Googlewhack a search term containing a combination of two or more words that will produce only one single search result in the Google search engine. This means finding only one single webpage on the entire World Wide Web that contains your search query. Googlewhacking is the name given to finding such a search result, and is considered to be a "Web sport".

The rules to Googlewhacking are simple:

1. You cannot use quotation marks in your search query,
2. The words must be found listed in,
3. The page must be an actual article or webpage with information not just a list of words.

Source: What is Googlewhack? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer Dictionary

I don't think it has any SEO value. It seems like a purely intellectual exercise. If I had some extra free time, I wouldn't mind doing a Googlewhack. It does seem like geeky fun.
No Victor, a Googlewack is when you search a term and only one result comes up. Its really hard to find them now a days because once one is found, everyone else wants to cash in on it, and it turns into just a random, but normal search term. There used to be some good examples on this site: Googlewhacking: The Search for The One True Googlewhack but like I said its all relative to how fresh the term is.
I play a different sort of search engine game; I try to use the fewest, shortest keywords that will get me my desired page.