Google Self Driving Cars


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Guys have you heard that Google is now making car which will drive by themselves. I wonder if this is possible indeed because if there happened to be even once accident due to the fault of computer or auto drive system Google can be forced to stop making these efforts. What do you guys think of this effort by Google Cars self driving themselves. What technology they will be using? Would it be 100 % self driving or like a plane where pilots have the control but have the option to autopilot too.

What will the cab drivers doo if the Google is successful in making these cars. I think they should go and protest right now before its too late :)
Self driving cars make me feel like that with every new invention we as the human race are becoming closer and closer to being taken over by robots.. I can't even begin to imagine how these cars would work in the first place, though.

I think that these cars are very unnecessary and would end up causing more problems than solutions. I don't see Google's purpose for making them in the first place, other than to keep their position as one of the most innovative companies around.
Self driving cars? that used to sound crazy, but not anymore. Now that ford have made a car which parks itself, I guess it's only a matter of time before someone attempts to make a car that drives itself completely. How they're going to do it is a puzzle to me, it just seems impossible, there's so many hazards on the road. It will be cool to see if they manage it though, it will take them decades to perfect that much's for sure.
I've actually seen video on these cars. They are truly something remarkable. I guess with a little money and research anything is really possible.
They announced videos quite some time ago already.
Honestly it isn't such a "weird" invention, if you think about it, the way that we move on roads is pretty basic and easy to understand..
Stick to the right (or left), don't cross the line, and avoid contact. Simple.
I know that there are many variables here that could cause an accident, but still it's not such an alien experiment. I wouldn't be surprised if I started seeing some automated vehicles running around town at low speeds to test it out.
Might reduce the rates of traffic accidents, but a computer isn't perfect, neither is the human. Not really a fan of it, I might only use it if I'm late for work or something. (like brush my teeth while the car is driving automatically to my office)
We have to consider that this would only be safe it the roads had some sort of technology interacting with the car.
Even if there have been good results, this will only work when many cars interact with each other. There are still many unpredictable accidents that could happen at any time, that maybe a robot couldn't evade like a human.
Something tells me the police and lawyers will hate these things since they will cut into their speeding ticket and DUI revenues. Not to mention, it brings up another interesting conundrum, who's fault is it when the car malfunctions and causes an accident? Are you expected to take the wheel the moment it starts operating incorrectly? Is it Google's fault for their technology failing?
I guess that will be one of the big topics discussed when they market this.
Anyway I think that in some years all cars will have a video recording system like the one implemented in russia, that will record everything that happens in front of the car.
And I don't believe that google will release this system without fully testing it, so those "basic" errors that could cause an accident shouldn't even exist.