Google Panda 4.2 Explained


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[h=2]How Will I Know If I’ve Escaped Panda?[/h]If you’re hit by the current Panda 4.2 update, you’ll probably have to wait several months until the entire rollout is done. Then you’ll have to wait until Google does the next update, which seems likely to happen some time in 2016, given that this latest update took nearly a year to happen.
As Google told us before, their direction is to integrate Panda into their core ranking algorithms so change is more continuous, but not real-time. So if Google does this, publishers may see more continuous Panda changes at a faster rate. If not, we may have to wait until 2016 to see another Panda refresh.The best way to see if you escaped is to watch your analytics, isolate your Google organic traffic and note any large swings. Then check the community to hear if Google confirmed any updates.

[h=2]What Should I Do To Improve My Website?[/h]Google told us the same advice they gave back in 2011 is the advice they’d point publishers to. If you feel you were negatively hit by the Panda update, read that blog post and try to make those general updates to your website. 🐼 Google Panda Update | Search Engine Land Explains the Google Panda Filter
Panda Update 30 AKA Panda 4.2, July 18, 2015 (2–3% of queries were affected; confirmed, announced).When Google told us they pushed out a Panda refresh in mid-July, Panda 4.2, there were a lot of questions from the industry about what was different in this Panda refresh compared to others.
nobody can predict anything, you should focus on content to improve their website