Google introduces new features of the search console


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  Google introduces new features of the search console.

  Google said the new search console report “for Google‘s index provides more transparency, Google and the two-way communication between a website owner status, more quickly to help solve the problem, and to provide a responsive user interface.”

  As early as July, Search Engine Land first released information about its beta Search console feature.

  Google then Shared more details about the beta version.

  Through this release, the search performance report will have more than a year of data, which has been the industry’s priority.

  The two versions of the search console will continue to provide real-time versions of all users and can use them side-by-side.

  Google said it will continue to add new search console classic search console function, therefore, before the process is complete, the website administrator will be able to pass the links in the navigation bar to access the two versions.

  And it is important to note that the new search console to Shared with multiple team members of the organization (most) report, some critical problems and distribute information more effectively, and make it easier to solve the problem.

  Undo access is also simple and intuitive.

  See below for more on this.

  Search performance report:

  Google‘s new search performance report is similar to the search analysis report, but it provides 16 months of data.

  The report lets you see clicks, impressions, CTR, and average positions.

  It also allows you to filter through web pages, images, or video search results, and segment them by query, page, country, or device type.

  Google points out that these data will also be provided quickly through the Search Console API.

  Index coverage report:

  An index coverage report is similar to an index status report: it shows the ability of Google to index its site.

  It lists the URLs of the appropriate indexes and gives a warning about index issues, as well as explaining why Google does not index certain URLs.

  The report shows improvements to site indexes over time and improvements to the time frame.

  Clicking any error URL will open the link to the diagnostic tool and the method of resubmitting the URL for the index.

  These data can also be exported for further analysis.

  Google points out that the report is “the most suitable site for submitting site map files.”

  AMP status report:

  The AMP status report provides errors and warnings around AMP URLs.

  It shows which urls are problematic, gives a diagnosis of the problem itself, lets you fix the problem, and then tests to ensure that the AMP URL is now valid.

  Google says, “you can request the search console to verify the repair on multiple pages.”

  Once the problem is resolved, Google means “crawling and crawling with higher priority and reprocessing the affected URLs”。

  In addition, AMP reports can be Shared with external teams.

  Performance report:

  Those who post a work list on their website can now view new job postings.

  The report will show statistics on the results of your work list, any index problems, and methods for resolving them.